Preliminary Water Quality Results!
Dam Construction in a Volatile Environment
Peer-reviewed paper published on Marañón hydrology
"Confluir" premiers in Montreal and hits the film fest circuit
Maranon River film fest brings Confluir back to the river in June-August 2018
Jaime Goode delivers well attended oral presentation on the Maranon River sediment flux at the Ameri
The Maranon Project reaches out in AGU education and outreach session, San Francisco 2016 (AGU #ED11
Summary of Trip: Science and Outreach - GSA 2016 Conference Paper #322-2.
Rapid hydrologic assessment for basin scale understanding of source waters and flow paths- GSA 2016
Canoe and Kayak Magazine features "Why the Maranon Matters" article by expedition member C
Women's Work: Shooting Rapids and Exploring the Amazon
Confluir- Documentary trailer is out!